Sunday, September 29, 2013

Popping bubbles: Day 269/365

My daughter got tired of blowing bubbles and wanted me to take over the blowing so she could run around and pop them.

So cute when they sleep: Day 268/365

Its not often I can go in my son's room while he's asleep without waking him up. He was particularly tired this day and didn't even flinch when I opened his door, so I grabbed my phone to take a picture of him all curled up asleep.

Princess in a spaceship: Day 267/365

My daughter decided the cardboard box from Amazon made a great spaceship, but it needed some color and decoration to be even better. So, she got dressed in her princess gear and sang songs while she decorated her spaceship.

Laundry helper: Day 266/365

Our washing machine was out of commission for about 1.5 weeks so I had to haul our clothes to the laundromat for cleaning. I had to take my son with me during one trip and he loved helping me load and unload the clothes from the machines.

Monkey see, monkey do: Day 265/365

My son watches everything his big sister does, so after she paraded around the house in my shoes earlier in the week, he decided he needed to wear daddy's shoes so he could be just like his him.

Boys do wear crowns: Day 264/365

My poor son has no clue that wearing a crown is typically more of a girly thing since my daughter insists on dressing him in it so often. It still made me laugh to see him pick the crown up from the floor and place it on his head without any coaching from my daughter.

Watching a classic: Day 263/365

A lot of the tv shows we watched as kids don't entertain my kids too much. But, they love watching the classic Disney movies and Peter Pan was on tv so they spent the after dinner time caught up in the world of Neverland and pirates.

Pushing: Day 262/365

We were hanging out in the front yard while my daughter was riding her bike. I looked up when I heard giggling and noticed my son was pushing my daughter around on her bike and thought it was hilarious.

I'm in trouble in a few years: Day 261/365

My daughter has decided that wearing my shoes around the house is a fun thing to do. I'm in so much trouble in 10 years when her feet actually fit in my shoes.

Airplane: Day 260/365

My son is fascinated with seeing planes in the sky and sees a lot of them over our house. He has started pointing to them each time he sees one fly over so this is a pretty common site at our house for now.

Paper and crayons are magic: Day 259/365

My son is just moving past the phase where everything goes in his mouth, so I decided it was a good time to let him try coloring with crayons. He was such a happy boy.

A boy and his truck: Day 258/365

There is just something about a boy and his truck, even at the ripe age of 20 months.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

20 months: Day 257/365

Cheesy grin: Day 256/365

Ok, I know this picture is technically crap. It was underexposed (very quickly taken on my iPhone) and very grainy, but I love the cheesy grin on my son's face so I look past all of the technical imperfections and revel in the happiness instead.

Learning to play: Day 255/365

It has been amazing to watch the development of my children over the past 4 years. This time last year, my son was barely sitting up and showed little interest in toys. This year, he is a running, wild toddler that loves to learn and explore with all of his toys and I love it.

Boys like jewelry, too: Day 254/365

I caught my son playing with my daughter's dress up jewelry and laughed quietly for a good 2 minutes before I realized I should grab the closest camera and take a picture.

He loves his blankies: Day 253/365

My son is developing quite the relationship with his nighttime blankies. We bought them in a 2 pack with the intention of keeping 1 for back-up at all times. Well, that somehow morphed into him having both blankies in his bed at night and then carrying both of him downstairs when he gets up. He will usually drag them around with him for a while in the morning until something else catches his attention.

He loves watching her: Day 252/365

I love watching the relationship develop between my kids. It is fascinating to watch them interact and watch the idolizing my son does of my daughter. She was blowing bubbles on the porch and he stopped playing and ran over closer to her so he could watch intently as she made the bubbles come out. So sweet.

Kind of proud of myself: Day 251/365

Being perfectly honest, I realized at 11:50 pm that I had no picture of the day and had very little inspiration for a picture at that time. So, I took a screen shot of my running app that showed my distance run for the day and I was pretty proud of myself. This was my first 6 mile run in 2 months and while it was far from my fastest ever, I was proud I can still do it. Halfway to 13.1!
The black line was added later. Gotta keep a little privacy here.

Stink Face: Day 250/365

This is the face you get when you ask a 4-year old who is tired of the camera if you can take a picture of her.

Friday, September 6, 2013

New utensils: Day 249/365

My son and I went out to eat lunch and he was grunting and pointing at my fork so I let him try it out. I was surprised that he knew exactly how to use it and he was quite proud of himself for using something new.

Matching bracelets: Day 248/365

My daughter was so sweet and made us matching friendship bracelets at school. I love this little girl.

1st day of Pre-K: Day 247/365

My little girl is growing up despite my wish for time to slow down.


More free entertainment: Day 246/365

We purchased a new microwave and of course the cardboard packaging was a source of great free entertainment for the kids.

Smiliing despite the busted lip: Day 245

My son had a nasty fall at my in-laws' house and cut his lip really bad. I was trying to cheer him up afterwards by taking selfies and despite feeling bad he still smiled at his own image on the phone.

Soaking up the sun: Day 244/365

My sun loves to go to this spot everyday when the sun is hitting it and sit with his Leap Pad and soak up the sun.

Coloring rocks: Day 243/365

My mother-in-law had a fantastic idea to let my daughter combine 2 of her favorite things: coloring and rocks. My in-laws' next door neighbor was at their house hanging out so she decided to join in on the fun.

Climbing like a monkey: Day 242/365

I took the kids to the indoor play area at our mall and my son was crawling up and on everything like a little monkey.

His new obsession: Day 241/365

My son's latest obsession is the broom. I really don't understand it, but he loves to pretend to sweep the floor and gets highly upset if I get it out and don't let him play with it.

New dance year: Day 240/365

My daughter was so excited it was time to start the new dance year and she even asked to take a picture in her pretty new leotard after class.

Toddler silliness: Day 239/365

Such a silly boy.

Big red tractor: Day 238/365

We were spending some time at my parents' house and my dad had his tractor in the backyard so I let the kids crawl around on it for a bit. My son wasn't having anything to do with it but my daughter thought it was pretty cool to sit on the seat and pretend to drive.

He'll follow her anywhere: Day 237/365

My son loves to follow his big sister around everywhere and it just melts my heart.

Bubbles: Day 236/365

I love watching my daughter with her bubbles. She can just sit for a while and blow bubbles and laugh as they blow around the yard. Amazing that such a cheap concoction provides so much entertainment.